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Hermia, Hervanta


Since 2009, we have pioneered innovation platform activities that bring together entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, students, developers, and manufacturers.


Through guided collaboration, we help our partners transform ideas, research findings, and inventions into better products, services, and processes.

We work closely with our parent company, Tamlink, leveraging our extensive network and international partnerships to serve our clients.

Throughout the 2010s, we operated the New Factory co-working and innovation center in the heart of downtown Tampere, within the historic Finlayson area. The center hosted startup accelerator programs for early-stage companies, Demola innovation projects connecting students with businesses, user testing labs, a prototyping workshop, and development projects for corporate innovation teams.

As an innovation hub, New Factory generated over 1,500 jobs, supported 150 startup companies, and collaborated with more than 250 partner companies. These startups secured tens of millions in investments, with the most successful attracting even larger follow-up funding and becoming leaders in their fields.

Key principles at New Factory have always been community, agility, networking, and a focus on achieving tangible goals through concrete collaboration with relevant players. Often, this means breaking down barriers and creating innovations by bringing together diverse experts, research, and facilities from various fields.

The company board members

Antti Eskelinen

Antti Eskelinen

Managing Director

Tampere Chamber of Commerce

Jarmo Takala

Jarmo Takala

Vice President

Tampere University

Anna-Kaisa Heinämäki

Anna-Kaisa Heinämäki

Competitiveness Director

City of Tampere

Erja Turunen

Erja Turunen

Executive Vice President, Digital technologies

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

Petri Räsänen

Petri Räsänen

Program Director, Chips from Tampere

Business Tampere

Anna Danska

Anna Danska

Head of Category, EIA, Sourcing and Logistic

Metsä Group

  • New Factory LinkedIn page


Hermiankatu 6 A, 5th floor

P.O.BOX 140

33720 Tampere, Finland

Billing information:

Paper invoices:

Innovaatio Oy Uusi Tehdas

(Apix Skannauspalvelu)
PL 16112

Y-tunnus: 2271637-6

Electronic invoices:

OVT-tunnus: 003722716376

Apix Messaging Oy (003723327487)

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New Factory logo
Tamlink logo

© 2025 by Uusi Tehdas / New Factory

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